Wawa Council to Consider Amending Zoning By-Law in Trio of Meetings

Wawa Municipal Council's holding a trio of meetings tonight.

First up is a meeting under the Planning Act about Zoning By-Law amendments, specifically increasing the number of residential units allowed in the General Commercial Zone - Council was told in a previous meeting that current rules only allow a single residential unit in such properties, which includes Broadway Avenue - where there are multiple buildings that exceed that - with this change bringing those "non-conforming" properties into alignment and allowing new buildings zoned General Commercial to have two or more residential units.

That'll be followed by a Committee of the Whole meeting including monthly reports from department heads, a CAO report on a public request for a plebiscite on fluoridation - brought up in a letter to Council in their last meeting - and an EDO memo on the 2025 business survey results.

The third and final meeting will be a regular Council meeting, in which Council will consider by-laws to appoint a Weed Inspector and affirming the Zoning By-Law amendment permitting more than one dwelling unit in the upper levels of buildings in the Commercial General Zone.

These meetings will be held back-to-back-to-back, starting at 6:30 pm tonight in Council Chambers - they'll also be livestreamed through the Municipality's YouTube channel.