Chapleau's bid farewell to a town council member, just a couple months before the election.
Chapleau Town Council honoured Guillaume Tremblay during Monday night's meeting, as Tremblay's resigning the seat he's held since the 2014 municipal election, and moving out of town.
Given the next municipal election is October 22nd, Tremblay's seat will remain vacant for now, leaving Council slightly shorthanded until a new Council is sworn-in at the start of December.
Meanwhile, Council's approved a revised version of the by-law covering maintenance, regulation, and control of cemeteries, with changes to the way rules are communicated, and rules regarding items at grave sites.
Aimed at keeping maintenance of the cemetery "efficient" while continuing to be "reasonable", the rules allow small objects to be placed or attached to the headstone, though lighter objects will be discouraged unless they're attached.
Items will also need to be removed in October, then allowed again in the new year.
Council's also trying once again to find a contractor for the canopy at the Civic Centre's rear entrance.
While bids for the original tender ended up "considerably more than the budget allotment", Council on Monday approved a revised version of the design, intended to garner a lower cost.
That new design is expected to go out to tender soon.