Superior East OPP December 2018 & Festive RIDE Stats

Local police were kept busy over December.

Superior East Ontario Provincial Police say they responded to about 523 calls for service last month, including ten violence-related incidents, eleven property-related occurrences, seven drug-related cases, and an impaired by alcohol incident.

On local roads, officers responded to eighteen motor vehicle collisions and issued one seven-day warn range suspension.

140 RIDE checkpoints were conducted.

Speaking of RIDE checks, Superior East OPP have also released results from the recent Festive RIDE campaign - which ran November 23rd to January 2nd - with one impaired by alcohol charge, one seven-day warn range suspension, one refusal to give breath sample charge, one suspended driving charge, and four charges under the Highway Traffic Act.

There may be some crossover in charges laid through Festive RIDE and December's statistics.