Wawa Council to Consider Passing Capital Budget

Wawa Municipal Council's set to consider the budget in back-to-back meetings tonight.

Council will start the night with a Policy Committee meeting, set to discuss: a staff report on the Wawa liquefied natural gas project; a Dubreuilville zoning order; a by-law for temporary vendor, transient, traders, hawkers, and peddlers licenses; and a staff report on a tax matter involving the small scale on-farm business sub-class.

The main item on the agenda is the draft capital budget, which was presented last week: it totals over $4.6-million in already committed and otherwise recommended projects, though only $427-thousand of that would come from taxation, another $1.2-million from municipal reserves, and the rest from outside funding.

Already-committed projects make up over $3.25-million - though the municipal contribution's only expected to be a little over $1-million - with projects including the ongoing reconstruction of Toronto Avenue and the Waterfront project, as well as the landfill expansion, and work on Pinewood Drive, lower Government Road, and Scenic High Falls Park.

After the Policy meeting will be a regular meeting, including resolutions to approve the capital budget and declare surplus land in the Wawa Industrial Park and confirm intent to sell it for the liquefied natural gas depot project.

Council will also go "in-camera" for a legal issue relating to a sale of land.

Aside from the "in-camera" portion, tonight's meeting is open to the public, starting at 6:30 pm in Council Chambers.