Wawa Municipal Council's expected to have a busy night with back-to-back meetings.
Up first is a joint Corporate Planning and Policy Committee meeting, which is expected to include a deputation about "MPAC 101".
Also on that agenda is: a draft version of a revised procedural by-law; memos on consolidation of two properties on Montreal Avenue and Main Street, as well as two properties on Beck Avenue; a report on the sale of unspecified municipal land in the Michipicoten River Village; a report on additional parking for Broadway Avenue; and a report an upgrade for the municipal fuel system.
After the committee meeting, Council's set to hold a regular meeting, with items including a resolution to declare surplus land in the Michipicoten River Village - a step required for its sale - and resolutions approving additional designated parking on Broadway Avenue and accepting a staff recommendation and awarding of tender for the municipal fuel system upgrade.
Open to the public, the meetings are set to start at 6:30 in Council Chambers.