Wawa Municipal Council's set to hold a pair of meetings tonight.
First up will be a joint Corporate Planning/Policy Manual Committee meeting, with items on the agenda including: a draft policy for docking, mooring, launching, and boating on Wawa Lake beachfront properties; a draft revised policy for arena ice rentals; the National car rental agreement; refuse collection; and letters on Cemetery Road repair and garbage on Long Beach Road.
Council will then hold a regular meeting, with items on that agenda including a request to waive fees for the Bumps, Babies, and Beyond Expo, a Committee of Adjustment hearing on a minor variance application, and staff recommendations to: award the Town Hall Roof project to Dynamic Roofing; waive the RFP process and award the Pavement Preservation Project contract to J. Provost Contracting; and award the contract for Curb Side or Curb Stop Upgrades to Water Services to an unspecified company.
There are also four "in-camera" items on that agenda: an "Education" item involving "Council Training"; and three "Personal Issue" items relating to one or more letters of complaint.
Aside from the "in-camera" portion, tonight's meetings are open to the public, starting at 6:30 pm in Council Chambers.