Dubreuilville & Brunswick House First Nation Getting Federal Support for Improved Internet Service

Two local communities are getting federal support to improve Internet service.

Rural Economic Development Minister Bernadette Jordan's announced over $2-million in total funding to bring new or improved high-speed Internet access and capacity to Dubreuilville, Brunswick House First Nation, and Red Rock Indian Band.

$1.3-million of that comes from the federal government's Connect to Innovate program, with more than $763,000 from Bell Canada.

Breaking it down by community, the funding for Dubreuilville's project will see over $961,000 from the feds and nearly $641,000 from Bell, while Brunswick House First Nation's project will see over $284,000 from the feds and nearly $95,000 from Bell.

This is an updated version of the story. See original story below:

Two local communities are getting federal support to improve Internet service.

Rural Economic Development Minister Bernadette Jordan's announced over $2-million in total funding to bring new or improved high-speed Internet access and capacity to Dubreuilville, Brunswick House First Nation, and Red Rock Indian Band.

No breakdown is given for how much will be spent on each community, nor is a timeline given, though the federal government says $1.3-million of the funding comes from their Connect to Innovate program with more than $763,000 from Bell Canada.