Festive Events Arrive in Wawa

Wawa will be looking very festive this weekend.

Wawa's Festival of Lights is set to kick off tonight, and Municipal Recreation Coordinator Stacey White reminds there is an incentive for participants.

Participants are reminded to turn on their lights from 6 to 9 every night until December 19th - maps of contestants are available, so residents can tour the town and vote for the best.

E-D-C Program Coordinator Isabeau Allard says another decoration event ties in with that, dubbed "Behind Glass Galleries".

Allard also notes the Festival of Lights kicks off with another festive event: the Goose Nest "Bundle Up" Markets at Wawa's Goose Nest, across from Lion's Beach.

The markets run from 5 to 7 tonight, 1 to 3 and 5 to 7 tomorrow, and 1 to 3 Sunday.

Another festive event is planned for this weekend: the Superior Children's Centre is holding its annual Community Christmas - with the Wawa Volunteer Fire Department - from 1 to 4 Sunday afternoon, in the parking lot of Ecole St. Joseph - families are asked to remain in your vehicle as Santa and Mrs. Claus greet you from their sleigh, though canned food donations will be accepted for the Wawa Community Food Bank.